
Contributing to SecureSECO DAO

If you're interested in contributing to the SecureSECO DAO project, you've come to the right place!

There's several modules that work together to make the SecureSECO DAO work:

All of these modules accept your contributions! If you're wondering how to contribute to one of these modules, check out the contribution guidelines below and the readme of the repository you're contributing to. In case you're not sure where to make your changes or how to merge your changes into the main codebase, have a look at the pull request guide.

For some inspiration on potential contributions, see the ideas page.

For more information about the different modules and their repositories, you can either visit our organization on GitHub, or navigate to the repositories page to get an overview of all of the repositories and their purpose.

Visit the SecureSECO DAO Github organization, where all of the code for the DAO is hosted.

Get an overview of all the relevant repositories in the SecureSECO DAO Github organization.

Contribution Guidelines


Issues are always welcome. They can be used to discuss minor changes, bugs, or feature requests. If you're unsure about whether or not to open an issue, feel free to contact us on Discord (opens in a new tab).

Pull requests

Follow the guide on the pull requests page to create a pull requests for your contributions to any of the repositories in the SecureSECO DAO Github organization.


We use semantic commits (opens in a new tab) for our commit messages. This ensures that the commit messages are easy to read and understand, and that the commit history is clean and easy to navigate.


We generally use the following branches in our repositories:

  • main or master - the latest stable release
  • dev - the latest development version
  • feat/<feature-name> - feature branches
  • fix/<bug-name> - bugfix branches

Exceptions to this rule exist in some repositories, so make sure to check the readme of the repository you're contributing to for more information.

Style guide

Specifics like coding style, code formatting, linters, etc. differ per module, as they are written in different programming languages and use different frameworks. Please refer to the readme of the module you're contributing to for more information.

Communication and collaboration

We use Discord (opens in a new tab) for communication and collaboration. Feel free to join our server (click the Discord icon in the top right of this page!) and ask questions, discuss ideas, or just hang out. If you have questions about the project, the architecture, some piece of code, or really anything else, the Discord server is the place to be.


This project and all its repositories and code is licensed under the MIT (opens in a new tab) license.